Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Favorite Buddies

As some of you have heard, AJ is currently transitioning to a new room at school but that isn't where he has found his best buds. This past weekend AJ really bonded with extended family and is still asking for folks who have had to return home.

Auntie Sydney came down for a long weekend in VA and AJ loved it. They spent hours playing trains, driving cars and running around the house. First thing he asked for each morning and after each nap was his Auntie Sydney. I think he has his first crush :-)

We headed North to MD to see the Sarikas clan on Sunday and he loved that as always. As if seeing Cuddles and playing on the Wii wasn't enough (let's be honest, the adults played on Wii!) AJ discovered Uncle Jim's stash of race cars. Aunt Bridget turned it into a game and they raced to line them up before AJ could crash them. Very cute. Later that day AJ kept asking for Uncle Jim - instead of driving back up North we all watched the race at our own homes "together".

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