Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beach Bound

AJ is headed south for vacation on the beach. We'll see if he loves the sand and water as much as he did last year. Watch for notes and photos when we get back.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Crazy Hair

AJ's hair was super long and each morning he has been waking up with crazier and crazier bed head. I call it his blonde fro :-) So he got a haircut and then came home and stuck his head in the sprinkler.
This is the end result.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

See You Tomorrow

There was sing-a-long show on TV with a train that AJ watched 5 minutes of this morning. When it was over AJ said "Bye bye Choo Choo Train". Not unusual. Then he followed it with "See you tomorrow!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello Bunny

A little bunny appears to be living under our deck. A couple of times this week on our way to play in the backyard we have seen the little brown bunny just past the bottom of the deck stairs. AJ seems to be a bit frightened and even squeals and grabs my hand when he first sees the bunny. Of course the bunny then hops under the deck to hide from the squealing little boy. It is fun to watch them both.

Tonight the bunny hopped under the deck but not so far that we couldn't see him. AJ crouched down and said "Hello bunny. How are you?". He seemed genuinely concerned for the bunny - very cute.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bawk bawk chicken

Dinner was pasta and chicken tonight. AJ is a BIG pasta fan but is going through a stage of being picky about his meats. Tonight he dug in with gusto and ate seconds of both pasta and chicken. Part way through he held up a piece of chicken on his fork and declared "chicken"! I said "yes AJ, good job eating chicken". He popped it in his mouth and then said "bawk bawk" with the cutest questioning look on his face as if to ask if he is right that a chicken goes bawk. That must be something they have been talking about at school and the look he gives when he is trying out new knowledge or skill is something to see. We are probably pretty darn silly for how we praise and cheer each animal noise.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hugs Rock!

AJ has been a bit challenging during drop off at daycare the past two weeks and hates when I leave him in the mornings. He's usually pretty easy but I think it has the most to do with the fact that he is changing into his new classroom and our little man likes his routine. Any disruption gives us headaches while we adjust. Today was a good day though and we came home happy too. I threw chicken parm in the oven for dinner and we headed out to the backyard to play with the neighbors. When we came back inside I grabbed dinner out of the oven and began to dish it out while standing at our kitchen island. AJ came over, stood next to me and said "hug". I bent down asked if he wanted a hug and he came to me with his arms wide and wrapped them around me. He's never asked for a hug before and it was so sweet.

Today I was very happy to be a mommy :-)

Friday, August 1, 2008

AJ's #1

Last night before he hoped in the bathtub, AJ wanted to go potty...on the toilet. I'm not sure if this was because he saw some of the older kids do it at school or just a ploy to play with toilet paper but I went with it. He sat there, made a funny noise and bent down to watch. In the end there was nothing more than a few drops but I praised the effort.

Tonight I jumped on the bandwagon and asked if we wanted to try again before bathtime. He hopped up on the seat, looked down to watch himself and eureka! Not only did he grasp the concept of using the toilet for #1, he sprayed me a bit in the process as I held him up there on the big boy potty. I consider this another part of "mommy hazing" and stopped to clap, cheer and praise before I cleaned up :-)

I guess I need to pick up a potty chair so that he has something around when he wants to try this again. I figured we needed to get through vacation and changing classrooms at school before we tackled potty training so I wasn't prepared. Pete is going to have to work with him on his aim too!