Friday, August 1, 2008

AJ's #1

Last night before he hoped in the bathtub, AJ wanted to go potty...on the toilet. I'm not sure if this was because he saw some of the older kids do it at school or just a ploy to play with toilet paper but I went with it. He sat there, made a funny noise and bent down to watch. In the end there was nothing more than a few drops but I praised the effort.

Tonight I jumped on the bandwagon and asked if we wanted to try again before bathtime. He hopped up on the seat, looked down to watch himself and eureka! Not only did he grasp the concept of using the toilet for #1, he sprayed me a bit in the process as I held him up there on the big boy potty. I consider this another part of "mommy hazing" and stopped to clap, cheer and praise before I cleaned up :-)

I guess I need to pick up a potty chair so that he has something around when he wants to try this again. I figured we needed to get through vacation and changing classrooms at school before we tackled potty training so I wasn't prepared. Pete is going to have to work with him on his aim too!

1 comment:

Gramama said...

Don't be afraid Mommy. I promise his aim will get better. Or he'll learn to clean the bathroom! I guess he is setting his own timeline. What a big boy!