Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bedtime Stalling

AJ has started trying to stall when it is time to be tucked in each night. Now tonight we didn't hear a peep, but the last few nights he needed water, more snuggles from Mommy, a book, more water, he was cold, he needed his bear (that he had until he threw it into the hallway!) - you get the drift :-)

I will say I don't mind him requesting a snuggle from Mom and I'm enjoying our new reading material. We have graduated from the simple books of a toddler to some fun titles like "The Real Story of the 3 Little Pigs" and " The Horrible, Terrible Really Bad Day with Alexander". Fun books that I like reading to AJ.

1 comment:

Gramama said...

The True Story... I love the truth and that book is right on. LOL I'm glad that you both enjoy it....and the nightly routine. Ha!