- Height - 37 1/4" (95%+ percentile)
- Weight - 29 lbs 13 oz (75% percentile)
He has always been on the tall side but this time was off the charts. This is also the highest weight percentile he has ever had. He is growing well :-)
Since our appt was during his usual naptime AJ was in rare fussy form and kept trying to run out of the exam room while the doctor checked him out and talked to me. After the doctor left he sent in the nurse to give AJ a vaccination. After she did that a lab tech came in to take some blood to check his iron level. By that time he had been pricked and poked plenty. When the tech left he marched over to the door and in his best stern and angry voice he hollered "Bad Doctor" and slammed the exam room door shut. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.