Our first stop was for a ride on the train. AJ had a rough time sitting still waiting for the engineer to pull out of the station.
Once the train got moving, AJ enjoyed the ride on Daddy's lap. We rode past the lake, a couple of dogs and through the woods.
After a stop at the playground to go down the slide a few times, AJ discovered the merry-go-round.
He got a ticket to ride just before the storms rolled in and enjoyed going for a spin with Jampa. I'm still a bit impressed that he stayed on the horse the entire time!
He seems mildly confused by the merry-go-round...lol.
PS- you need to buy a better camera that does good pictures while moving. they are out there for not too much mula. and since you have un bambino you should invest in one. =)
Yeah, I was just saying that this weekend. Will have to do some research.
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