Monday, September 15, 2008

Here You Go Mommy

AJ went through a period several weeks ago where he would get to the door at daycare and start resisting going in. He might fuss, cry, grab my legs. He got over it quickly and like many things, it was probably hardest on Mommy :-)

Just to prove how far he has come, this morning he not only entered pleasantly, he reached out to open both doors for me and said "here you go mommy" looking back to make sure I was right behind him. Such a polite little man.


Sydney said...

omg, i can't believe he is talking so much!!! can't wait to hear him myself!

Megs said...

Such a polite little booger! Mom told me that he was watching Mickey Mouse yesterday and said, "Pluto, what are you doing? Are you hiding? You silly dog!" OMG, seriously ridiculous, it makes me sooooo excited to see him, even though I was already pretty darn excited!