Monday, October 27, 2008

French Fries

Sunday morning AJ joined me for some quick errands. Our first stop was the drive thru window at Walgreens to drop our prescription off. As we pulled away from the window I heard AJ say "french fries?" in a questioning voice. I chuckled and told him no, Walgreens had mommy's medicine, but no french fries. So we went off to run our other errands and returned to Walgreens about 40 minutes later to pick up our prescription. This time as we pulled away, the voice from the back was less questioning and more informative "Mommy, McDonalds has french fries".

Two things I am amazed at here. 1) AJ has been to a McD's drive thru half a dozen times in his life. I'm not even sure how he knew the name of the place. 2) There is a McD's two door down from Walgreens and he knew that too!

Oh, yes I did get him a small french fry :-)

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