Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Didn't Know They Were Lost

One night I ran upstairs to change after work and I tried to get AJ to join me upstairs but he wasn't interested so I was rushing when I heard an odd noise. It was a rustling, like a wrapper being crinkled. I peeked out from our bedroom to look down the stairs and saw AJ at the bottom of the stairs very proudly holding up a package of chocolate chip cookies. He hollered out "I found the cookies". I laughed. Then he declared "I'm going to eat the cookie". Before I could say much he added "Please".

He said the magic word - how could I not let him have a cookie?!


Sydney said...

Too cute! He's got such a personality!

Dad said...

Remember, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream have medicinal qualities for little boys - and for big boys, too! Just don't over-dose.