Sunday, April 12, 2009

AJ the Bunny Lizard

This morning AJ ate his breakfast wearing his fuzzy blue bunny ears - soooo cute! After breakfast he laid on the bench and was being silly, pretending to be a lizard, sticking out his tongue. When I downloaded the Easter pics, these made me laugh out loud. Enjoy!


Gramama said...

AJ the bunny lizard is even cuter than the Sonic Zoo Tots, even the lion/porcupine! We love animal hybrids, the liger, the O'Malley, and now the AJ bunny lizard!

Sydney said...

AWWWW!!! Too cute!

But how does he know what a lizzard is?! I hope he doesn't ask for one! You'll end up like Aunt Bridget, getting a dog becuase the requests for reptiles start!