Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter North of the Potomac

We joined Aunt Bridget, Uncle Jim and Abigail in MD for a fun Easter brunch and egg hunt. Of course the Easter Bunny left a basket for AJ and hid eggs in MD too. AJ had a great time.

AJ was part of the way through the hunt when he realized there were toys in the plastic eggs. Once he made that discovery he wanted to get all the toys out while he hunted, which made grabbing the rest of the eggs without dropping his haul a bit tricky.

Note the new Thomas Train boots he is sporting while searching for eggs. They were in his basket along with a matching rain jacket.

Perhaps the highlight of the day was getting to crash all the cars that had been lined up for his crashing pleasure. As quick as someone got them lined up, he was there to wreck them. Silly little man.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

too cute! can't wait to see you both--he seems to have grown so much!