Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a nice Christmas and hope everyone else did too. AJ was thrilled with all the good stuff Santa brought him - trains, cars, buzz lightyear, DVDs, books and more. He was excited when he woke up to see the mountain under the tree and even more tickled when he came downstairs and realized they were all "surprises" (his word for gifts).

After the first round of gifts AJ played and played. He went from toy to toy and played with them all for a bit. It took a lot of wrangling to get him to take a nap and since we went down late he was still napping when the Sarikas clan arrived. He woke soon though and was excited to show Aunt Bridget all his new stuff. We ate - some of us more than others - and then opened more "surprises". The excitement started all over again. It was a challenge all day to get AJ to stop playing to do anything - eat, sleep, get changed.

The best part may have been his reaction this morning. Even though we cleaned up some last night, the living room floor was still covered in the safari road track, hot wheels race ramp and of course the Thomas train table. AJ dashed out of his bedroom first thing, looked down at the living room from the upstairs landing and let out a loud squeal of glee when he realized it was not a dream and all those toys were really here in his house. He bounded downstairs and the playing marathon began again. It has been great fun to watch - and a bit exhausting.

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