Friday, December 19, 2008

One Second

We had one of those moments tonight where I had to cover my mouth and fight hard not to laugh at AJ so I could scold him for what he did.

Pete got home late and I let AJ stay up a bit longer so he could have a cookie with Daddy and play a bit. When we went upstairs for a bath he still wanted to play and was tough to wrangle into the tub. I got him stripped down and he ran back into his room to play with his train. I was sitting on the bathroom floor and asked AJ to come back into the bathroom. Pete walked into he bedroom and asked AJ to listen to Mommy and get in the tub. AJ replies, without a moment of hesitation with "One second Daddy, I'm playing with my train".

Both parental units had to fight not to bust out laughing at the matter of fact way it come out of a naked two year old. Once I knew I could talk without laughing, I did follow up with reminding AJ that he needs to listen to Mommy. Stop smirking out there - you would have lost it too!!!

1 comment:

Gramama said...

So boys speak their minds! Girls , from my experience sigh, glare, snort, and flounce. What a difference.