Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Moving to the Big Boy Bed

Yes, I've dragged my feet on this one for about as long as possible. AJ still sleeps in his crib and plays in there happily most mornings while I get ready for work. I like this routine and hate to throw a wrench in it.

AJ has been bounding out of the crib at Grandma Karen's for a while now - it doesn't drop down as low as ours at home. I think it is a matter of days before he leaps out of the crib at home. The last couple of mornings I have gone in to get him and his crib is filled with all the blankets, animals and even the storage bin from the shelf that is just within reach of his crib.

Last night when I checked on him before I went to bed I took the bin and the extra stuff out of the crib and set it on the floor. You see, I was being smart and not putting it back on the shelf where he would just pull it down again. Somehow he got it all, even the little storage bin, back into his crib this morning. I refuse to believe he climbed out of the crib and then got back in (the getting back in the crib is the hard part to believe) but I'm not sure how the little monkey managed to pull this off.

I think it is time that I will have to let go of my security blanket - the crib - and try to tackle this next milestone bravely.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

you should put a motion detecting camera in there so anytime he moves, it turns on. then all his secrets will be no more!